Virtel Security Features

At Virtel, we prioritize security for your critical mainframe applications. Our advanced security solutions are designed to seamlessly integrate with existing infrastructure and provide a fortified gateway between your legacy systems and modern web environments.

Easily integrates SSO with Virtel

Virtel Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration

Simplify and strengthen access control with Virtel’s SSO integration. By enabling SSO for your 3270 applications through Virtel Web Access, you can eliminate traditional TN3270 emulators, reducing costs, easing support, and boosting security.

Virtel seamlessly connects with Identity Access Management (IAM) platforms, supporting SAML, OIDC, and leading identity providers such as Azure AD, Okta, and KeyCloak.

With Virtel, your users experience fast, secure access through a centralized authentication mechanism.

Racf and Top Secret Support

RACF, ACF2, and TOP-SECRET Support

Virtel has its own internal security system, which can operate independently or in conjunction with leading market solutions like RACF, ACF2, and TOP-SECRET.

Virtel also supports PassTicket generation, enabling secure, token-based authentication across the mainframe without requiring users to re-enter passwords.

modernize mainframe UI with Virtel Screen Redesigner

z/OS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Boost security by integrating z/OS MFA with Virtel. This multi-layered approach ensures that users are verified not only by something they know (like a password) but also through something they have or are (like a mobile device or fingerprint).

This provides additional protection for your most sensitive applications.

Focus on: Integration with Identity and Access Management

Virtel does integrate with MFA systems, LDAP, SAML...

SSL and AT-TLS Encryption

Virtel leverages the AT-TLS layers of the z/OS system, ensuring encrypted connections that comply with FIPS 140.2 and TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 standards.
This guarantees that your mainframe data remains secure while in transit, protecting it from external threats and ensuring compliance with the latest security protocols.

Enhanced User and Application Control

Virtel offers expanded control over session management, allowing administrators to assign Logical Unit (LU) names based on user IDs, IP addresses, or other criteria.
This provides detailed oversight of user interactions and improves the ability to enforce security policies at every level of access.

Protect Against Web-based Attacks

Thanks to its unique architecture, Virtel sits outside of the traditional attack surface for HTTP servers, safeguarding it from the typical vulnerabilities that affect standard web servers.
This makes Virtel an uncommon but highly effective interface, offering a layer of security that protects your mainframe applications from modern web-based threats.

Virtel’s Built-in Security Features

Virtel includes a wide array of internal security controls to grant or deny requests based on factors such as caller address identification and data flow analysis. Browsing within applications can be fully automated using mainframe scenarios, ensuring that no exchanges are visible on the network, adding another layer of security.

Need further information?

MARSH journey:
Modernizing mainframe interfaces with Virtel Screen Redesigner

«Traditional green screens are complex for new users. There is a growing demand for a more modern interface. VSR has enabled us to avoid a complete and costly overhaul of the system, while leveraging the usability and performance of our current technology. In just a few months, we were able to improve the user experience by transforming the aesthetics of over 1,600 screens and integrating key functionality such as SSO».

Olivier VanDromme, IT Director Marsh

Read our case studies :

Marsh logo

"Modernizing mainframe interfaces with Virtel Screen Redesigner"

Ethias logo

"NRB implements Virtel to integrate Ethias' Legacy applications into their new Angular Web Portal"

Stellantis logo

"Virtel allowed both our users and technical team to transition smoothly to the internet"

logo P and V

"Virtel Web Access allows total freedom of choice for client workstation"

Credit Agricole logo

"The solution provided by Virtel perfectly fits our requirements.
It is both performant and flexible : the average recorded response times are significantly lower than the required values"


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