Syspertec Group overview

Syspertec is an independent software publisher which has more than 20 years of experience in technologies of connectivity between heterogeneous computer systems (primarily Mainframe). Historically focused on opening IBM Mainframes to the web, Syspertec has, for over 10 years, extended its scope to the collection and processing of legal and financial data. The group has major labs in Saint-Cloud, with more than 20 developers that integrate the best of the latest technology to constantly improve its software suites.

Each of the group’s solutions has the same goal: modernizing corporate information systems in order to enable them to better meet the challenges of their respective markets, all the while minimizing impact on their existing architectures... In a nutshell, do better for less!
By focusing on ease of use, flexibility, reliability, reduced costs and a perpetual technological innovation, Syspertec Group has won the trust of 500 customers (mainly large accounts) spread over the 5 continents in banking, administration, services, insurance, industry and distribution sectors.

The group’s software suites are distributed through a network of international partners. In the US, Syspertec has its own west-coast subsidiary which works closely with its North American mainframe distributor Software Diversified Services, a well-established software publisher in the z Systems world that has more than 1,000 customers.

Syspertec Group’s business areas are centered on two main families:

IBM z & i Systems

Virtel square logo Virtel is an agile protocol converter, which acts as a communication gateway between legacy applications on z Systems and the web
Blondeau Informatique square logo Blondeau Informatique offers IBM z System’s customers services and training contracts to ensure the availability of their inherited software assets
IPLS square logo IPLS publishes communication and EDI tools for IBM i Systems (AS400)
JVL square logo JVL supplies Large Accounts zSeries solutions for SGBD replication, metrology, performance management, security tools (zSerie and distributed) ans SSH keys management


Synapse square logo Synapse is a legal and financial data broker that implements intelligent management of information collection and customer knowledge

Syspertec Group is committed

We're hiring

In order to support its growth Syspertec Group is always looking for talent.
You can apply from the group's job offer page


Europe Headquarter

  • Syspertec Group
    196, les Bureaux de la Colline
    92213 Saint-Cloud cedex, FRANCE
  • Sales Office:
    Phone: +33 (0)1 46 02 60 42
  • Technical Support:
    Phone: +33 (0)1 46 02 60 42

USA et Canada

  • Syspertec 630 San Ramon Valley Blvd
    Suite 100
    Danville, CA 94526 0218, U.S.A.
  • Mailing address:
    PO Box 218,Danville, Ca. 94526-0218
  • Email :
  • Technical Support :


USA & Canada

  • SDS Software Diversified Services
    1322 - 81st Ave NE
    Minneapolis, MN 55432, U.S.A.
  • Phone: +1 (763) 571-9000
  • Website:


South Africa

  • JMR Software Pty Ltd
    3rd Floor South Building, Waterview Corner, 2 Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue,Bruma Johannesburg, 2026, South Africa
  • Phone: +27 11 484 5070
  • Website:

New Zeland


  • Jain's IT Solutions Limited 1 Agincourt Villas Uxbridge Road
    Hillingdon, Middlesex UB10 ONX ENGLAND
  • Phone : (+44) 7340115433


Spain &

  • Up Consulting Avenida de Brasilia 13
    28028 Madrid, SPAIN
  • Phone: +34 913 560 305


Interactive Virtel resellers map

You can use the map below by clicking on the areas (countries) to obtain contact information.
Please feel free to contact us using the Headquarters contact information mentioned above on this same page, or our 'Contact' form.